Travel with your dependents (spouse and children where applicable)


Do you wish to move to the UK for studies with your dependents (wife, children etc.)? Here is an opportunity for you.

With a bachelors degree in any field, enroll for an M.Sc. in Project Management or MS.c. in Strategic Business Management available for December 2023 Intake. The programmes are currently available in the Birmingham and London campuses.

Once you enroll into this programme, you have guaranteed job placement or support upon completion. If you are unable to have a job after the programme, 50% of your tuition fees will be refunded and the other 50% retained for further training with us.



  • Very affordable tuition fees
  • Quick turnaround time for admissions. Offer gotten within one week.
  • Initial deposit of just 3000 GBP
  • Bachelor Degree in any field
  • Guarantee job placement
  • No IELTS required for those with a pass grade in Ordinary level English